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A gay, South Asian, Tanzanian, who has lived as a migrant and visible minority in three continents, I am a community based cultural producer and writer. I have over twenty years of experience as an activist on issues of representation around race, gender, sexuality, race, ability, and economic stratification.

I am a script and manuscript cultural consultancy.

(Contact me for details)

Nothing is just black or white. I don't believe that there is a 'on-size-fits-all' solution. All work needs to examined on its' individual merits and individual context.

My reading of the works is to check interpretation of characters for cultural, sexual, and gender stereotyping and to ensure that the text is aware of issues around cultural representation and has nuanced, complex characterisation. I check for authenticity in the use of cultural signifiers that language and dialect and the depiction of the responses to the social, political and religious situations is culturally appropriate, non-exploitative and can be read as realistic. I also check for any perceptions of stereotyping or unwarranted or unsubstantiated negative portrayals of characters assigned a specific ethnic or sexual identity.

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I am a board member and project coordinator with Cinespace.

We are a media training organisation that is committed to ensuring that the Australian screen industry is genuinely representative of the cultural diversity of the Australian community and that representation is respectful, authentic, nuanced, and has the active participation of the communities involved.

I recently coordinated a Fellowship program Social Cohesion on Screen for seven emerging screenwriters looking at issues of race and representation on Screen. We developed a series of articles on representation intended for a Screen Writers Tool Kit and have included a whole bunch of links to resources to assist in better informed choices in theme, character, plot.

Check out the Screenwriter's Toolkit here.

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